Monday morning comes and I am at it once again. A slow start, a languid awakening, and I am unresponsive to all forms of communication. I seek to progress by adding more music to my collection. I hope to one day have all the sounds that I desire, but I know (deep down) that it simply will never happen for me. Attempted Faulkner toady, but don’t think that will happen either. I have had the most blissful relaxation! Not only that, but I am becoming calmer in the core.
This week’s indulgence has left me spiritually and emotionally drained. I am through with tricking myself into a chosen state of stupor. Ironically I find that such a means quite often has the opposite effect. I’ve been calmer since you’ve left. Yet I cannot confess to actually believing the storm has passed.
I am strong, in spite of being foolish and stubborn. But I am strong, and an unusual thinker. Therefore I cannot settle for anything less stimulating than that which I produce. Is it not harmonious and comprehensive? The feeling is once again beginning to grab me, as I hear the song for the hundredth time this week, I wish I could just start writing and these postulations could pour out of me as easily as they appear. My worst problem is that I cannot ever articulate quickly enough what it is I am trying to say.
My time in this town is growing very thin. And though I am enjoying it as fully as my body can handle, I still feel such a need to breathe, and move. Soon I will fly to such adventures, but for now I will wash the dishes and do my laundry.
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